This article provides information about protecting
your account identification and privacy and prevention
of unwanted access to your account on Kraftwurx.
Stay safe online by creating a secure password and protecting it. Whether you are online or offline, care for your password as you would care for the key to your house.
Tips for Creating a Secure PasswordUse the following tips to help you create a strong and secure password that is difficult for others to guess but still easy for you to remember.
Your Password Must Contain:
A combination of uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z or a-z), numbers (0-9) and special characters (?_!@#).
Letters, numbers and special characters.
Your Password Should Not Be:
Similar to your user ID or email address.
Single words that can be found in the dictionary.
Other common passwords that can be easily guessed, including adding a number to a simple password.
A sequence of numbers or letters.
Your Password Cannot Be:
Other Password Tips:
Create a password that is secure but still easy for you to remember. To help you remember your password, consider using a phrase or song title. For example, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" can become "Sw0tR8nBo."
The longer and more complex your password, the harder it will be to guess.
After creating your password, protect it. Do not share your password with others.
Avoid using the same password that you use for other online accounts.
Do not use personal information that others may obtain or guess such as names, birthdays, or addresses.
Protecting Your Password and Account Information:
Create a different password for each online account that you have.
Change your password often.
Change your password immediately if you believe that someone has obtained it.
Do not share your password with others.
Account Protection:
Before entering your Kraftwurx password, make sure you are signing into the Kraftwurx website at
To make sure an email you received is really from Kraftwurx, sign in to your account and go to Your Messages. Any messages sent to you from Kraftwurx will also appear there.
Changing Your Password
Before you change your password, make sure your email address is up-to-date. We will use your email address to complete your password change. Request a password reset from the login screen.