Captured Funds |
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Credit Card PurchasesKraftwurx charges credit cards when your order is accepted by our system. Occasionally, a card issuing bank will place authorized funds (for an order) on a temporary hold while the actual charge is processed. Sometimes those funds will remain "captured" for a time, even after an order has been canceled (in accordance with the financial institution's processing schedule). In these cases, the card issuing financial institution will release the secondary funds at its discretion. This usually occurs within 7-10 business days of the order being finalized (or formally canceled). We advocate that you check your payment issuing account over the course of the next couple of days to verify that the funds are released and contact your bank for more information if you experience a delay in that regard. Rest assured, though, that you will only be charged once for each active order in our system. Paypal PurchasesThere are times when Paypal will place the authorized funds on a separate, temporary hold while the actual charge attempt is processed. In this case, Paypal will release the secondary funds at its discretion. You may want to check your account over the course of the next couple of days (following the failed order attempt) to verify that the funds are released. Contact Paypal for more information if you experience a delay in that regard. |