So I know that when making something such as a chain, you must leave the links floating and not touching so that it can be printed as a usable chain. But I was curious about what if it's a set of objects that are meant to be a set, but can function as individual pieces. Can we design the pieces as a set and have them not be connected to any of the other objects if the the objects still all fit in the max printing area allowed and yet individually, all the objects are water tight? Take for example a mini tea set. You want a teapot, 2 cups and a tray. But you want the cups and teapot to be able to be removed from the tray. I obviously can't design it to be printed with those objects floating above the tray, but if they are designed outside of the tray but still within the constraints of the max printing area can you upload and print it as a part, I do I have to wait until the assembly option is working and available?